Bachelor of Arts in Health Arts & Sciences

Goddard College’s Bachelors of Arts in Health Arts and Sciences offers interdisciplinary studies and transformative practices that advance personal and community health.

Goddard’s unique network of faculty advisors and learning partners will guide you to develop practitioner-scholar capacity in the growing field of integrative health and wellness. You will be supported to make a difference through systems-thinking and visionary practices that cultivate well-being through an ethic of care and practices of justice.

We believe the foundation of health lies in an individual’s relationship with all of life.

As a student, your work will encompass experiential learning, direct action, rich contemplation, rigorous scholarship, and/or creative projects, rooted in your unique passions, goals, and learning style.

The Health Arts and Sciences Program begins with students exploring aspects of biological, psychological, social, spiritual, and ecological health. Your integrative health studies conclude with a senior project. Senior studies engage diverse aspects of care and healing for the whole person within a social and ecological context.

About Goddard

Education for real living, through the actual facing of real life problems

The Goddard Difference

Our philosophy starts with the idea experience and education are intricately linked


Our credit transfer policy is generous and saves you time and money

Senior Study Examples

Examples of Senior Study themes include:

  • Affordable Herbal Medicine for Marginalized Communities
  • Art Therapy for Healing Generational Trauma
  • Cannabis Health Education
  • Community Acupuncture
  • DIY Cooking for Supporting Mood and Reducing Anxiety
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a Model of Community Health
  • Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of Death and Dying
  • Food Security and Nutrition Education
  • Green Medicine, Herbalism, and Ethnobotany
  • Healing Justice Activism
  • Health as a Human Right and Community Affair
  • Health Coaching and Addiction Transformation
  • Holistic Nursing for Pain Modulation
  • Midwifery and Women’s Health in Underserved Areas
  • Somatics as a Tool for Leadership in Racial Justice Work
  • Spirituality, Grief and Recovery
  • Yoga and Movement for Healing PTSD

Students enrolled in the Undergraduate Program’s Health Arts and Sciences degree track may earn up to 30 transfer credits from studies completed at MEAC accredited Midwifery schools, COMTA accredited Therapeutic Massage schools, ACAOM accredited Acupuncture and Oriental medicine schools, and Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher training schools. Learn more about our partnerships here.

Admissions Information

The Bachelor of Arts in Health Arts & Sciences is an undergraduate degree open to any interested students.

New students seeking admission may be admitted at any level up to and including the second semester of the junior year. Transfer credits and/or assessment of prior learning credits up to a total of 75 credits can be applied to the 120 semester hour credits required for the degree.

A minimum of three semesters of enrollment in the Bachelor of Arts in Health Arts & Sciences is required for graduation.

See complete application instructions.

Degree Requirements

In addition to fulfilling the general BA/BFA degree requirements, graduating BA students will have successfully accomplished the following program-specific criteria:

  • Health Philosophy by clearly articulating your own health philosophy in relationship to multiple cultural views and critically reflecting on your own values, biases, ethics, and orientation to health.
  • Community Health Practices/Modalities by exploring at least one health-promoting modality and its application to the well-being of particular community, location, or population.
  • Life Sciences by identifying and examining science- based studies fundamental to your inquiry and being able to transmit your science-based knowledge to others.
  • Broader Context of Health by demonstrating an understanding of, and capacity to, evaluate the social and ecological context of your study by looking through such lenses as social ideologies, structures and norms, political/power influences, and ecological conditions.
  • Self-Care, Resilience and Renewal by recognizing the nested locations of well-being, from the point of the self to our connections with all of life while engaging in reflective and active participation in wellness practices.

Work of the Semester

During the semester, an at three-week intervals, you will send your faculty advisor materials reflecting your academic studies for that period. Evidence of the work completed can include essays, creative and critical writing, materials related to experiential learning and practica, documentation of art and community practice/works, book/conference annotations, and a cover letter in which you reflect on the learning process.

Your advisor responds promptly in writing to your materials with a detailed letter addressing the various components of your work and containing appraisal, feedback, and suggestions. Through the regular exchange of work and responses, a sustained meaningful dialogue takes place, centered on your learning and goals. At the end of the semester, students and advisors write comprehensive evaluations of the student’s learning.

Over the semester, the exchanges between student and advisor creates an exceptionally in-depth and meaningful dialogue. Students often describe these exchanges as transformative and empowering.

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