President’s Office

President Dan Hocoy   (photo by Jeb Wallace-Brodeur) 

Welcome to Goddard College

Goddard College is precisely the higher education our world needs, now more than ever. Inspired by Goddard’s commitment to learners interested in “rigorous inquiry (for) imaginative and responsive action in the world” our students share Goddard’s commitment to equity, diversity, and education as a social equalizer.  When you become part of Goddard’s community, you become part of this commitment.  

As a first-generation college student whose first language was not English, I see the value of higher education in contributing to social equity and participatory democracy. In light of Goddard’s explicit commitment to social justice and education as a moral concern, there is a unique opportunity in this historic moment in our nation to fully live its mission, have an even greater impact on society, and distinguish itself from the field of higher education.

Goddard College is truly exceptional in its history, mission, and impact; it has phenomenal potential and has a critical role to play in the American higher education landscape. It remains a place where you combine rich, intensive campus residency learning experiences with ongoing and relevant study from home. Our low-residency programs allow you to pursue your education without relocating or disrupting important priorities in your life. Work, family, and community are important to you; and we offer programs that honor those important priorities and faculty mentors who understand your unique study goals intimately.

I invite you to look around our website if you are seeking a college that will support your ambitions while honoring your experiences and identity. Our admissions team looks forward to speaking with you. If you are an alum revisiting the site to see what is happening at Goddard, our advancement office would be excited to speak with you about connecting and contributing to a community that means so much to you and could mean just as much to future generations of Goddard graduates. 

As the United States becomes more impacted by globalization, through technology, economic trade, and immigration, graduates who are global citizens, who can work across differences and cultures, will increasingly be in demand. These global citizens are Goddard College graduates and have gone on to achieve wondrous things in the world that embody the values of Goddard. I invite you to see how Goddard’s values are brought to life through the alumni stories of Tommie Smith, Dr. Mayme Clayton, Howard Ashman, Archie Shepp, the band Phish, Bárbara Martínez-Griego, and thousands of others, along with the stories of current students and faculty, featured in Goddard’s social media and blogs. 

We hope that our mission inspires you to learn more.

I am honored to serve as Goddard’s president and to join this community of engaged learners.

Dan Hocoy, PhD
Goddard College

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